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Patches/blotches appearing on Limestone floor

Asked by Catherine Scott from Derbyshire: We have had a Limestone floor laid in our kitchen for a year. It was sealed very well at the time of laying, but now we are getting patches/blotches appearing all over the floor that appear to be alot cleaner than the rest and they are becoming increasingly noticeable. Hope you can advise. Many thanks

TileProf says: I suspect you using an inappropriate cleaner, cleaning products such as Cif, Jif, Stardrops, Bleach, Domestos, Flash and washing up liquid will damage a stone sealer, if so you will need to re-seal and change your cleaner to one such as Tile Doctor Neutral Cleaner http://www.tiledoctor.co.uk/Tile-Stone-Cleaner.asp. Russell Taylor Tile Doctor Ltd

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