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Water marks on dark brown floor tiles

Asked by susan from scotland: The floor tiles have been down for 11 months. I am noticing water marks from a certain light and was looking for some advice on how to remove marks without damaging the colour or surface of floor tiles? Not sure if ceramic or porcelain

gpslancaster says: Sounds more like a Porcelain Problem than a Ceramic one, you may have to use a stronger cleaner for these type such at Tile Doctor Pro-clean, scrub it in to get rid of the marks,rinse of with cold water, try not to use a Bleach or washing up for cleaning these Tiles, try instead Tile Doctor Neutral Cleaner instead, half a cap full to a bucket of warm water will suffice, less is more with Porcelain so don't overdo the cleaning agent. http://www.tiledoctor.co.uk/TileGroutCleaner.html Russell Taylor Tile Doctor Lancaster

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