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Asked by patricia from london: hi my travertine tiles in kitchen were never sealed and now quite dirty after 4 years. I have tried cleaning as best I can with a FIFA cleaning product. I have a sealant that is 4 years old and appears open but not used-could i still use this to seal after cleaning. Should the sealant go over the grouttoo? the grout was grey so difficult to tell if dirty or not-should i seal grout separately? thanks patricia

TileProf says: Hi Patricia, Tyr this link to cleaning and sealing Travertine Tiles, you would be best to hire a wet vac if you dont have one for best results. Not usre if the old sealer is okay or not, try a test piece to see if it goes on okay, if its lumpy or inconsistent then I wouldnt use it. Regards Russell at Tile Doctor http://www.tiledoctor.co.uk/Travertine.html

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